Shanghai is still amazin as ever. I still have this feeling that everything that is happenin isn't real. It's all just too good to be true.

My work at Finnair is actually fun, but it's kind of tirin sometimes. Today is my third day here and I'm still waiting for something excitin to happen.

The rush hours are scary here. Everybody pushing themselves through the crowd to get on the subway is fun to look at, but when you are in the middle of it, it's not so fun. On Monday it was okay to be on the subway during the rush hour because I was with Antti & Mika. It was like I had to bodyguards with me.

Yesterday evening was quite interesting. We all drank a little bit and had fun. I think that this must be the first time that I actually like beer. I've never liked it before, but here it tastes different. Well the Tsintao beer that I like has only 3,3% alcohol so that might be one of the reasons that I like it more. I had a sip of Mikas heineken yesterday and it tasted awful. Also the booze here is AWFUL! I don't understand how the guys like it!

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only sane person in our little group. Just kidding, I'm not sane either.

Zai Jian!